Essential to Seafarms Group Limited and its success are shareholders and potential investors. Discover all the information needed to assess our investment performance. This includes:


ASX Listing

Stay informed about investing in Seafarms Group shares.


Annual Reports

Read our recent and historical Annual Reports.


Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Announcements

Seafarms Group Limited recent announcements to the Australian Securities Exchange.


Board of Directors

Find out more about Seafarms board of directors, and their professional and academic qualifications and achievements.


Corporate Governance

Promoting transparency and accountability by setting out the rights and responsibilities of the Board and shareholders.


Corporate Directory

Contact details for Seafarms Group Ltd, Corporate Solicitors, Share Registry, and ASX Listing.

Share Registry Information

View and change your personal shareholder details and access necessary forms.

Seafarms Group AGM

Details and materials for the next AGM

For more information about your investment or investing in Seafarms Group, please email: